
Typeface Design
Phyllotexty is a drop cap type design inspired by the silhouette of trees and leaf patterns observed from the botanic gardens. There is careful consideration of the arrangement of leaves on the stems (hence the wordplay on phyllotaxy - the arrangement of leaves around the stem) that form the type designs such that the different alphabets are coherent. The organic forms of the leaf pattern designs are to mimic the silhouettes that form the backbone of the scenery from the perspective of one looking up towards trees from afar in the botanic gardens.

This typeface design is featured in the newly released book, titled: A Garden For All: Reflection. Inspiration. Solace., and it can be purchased from the Epigram Bookshop. 

It is also a part of “A Garden for All” Type Design, which won SILVER for A' Design Award: Education, Teaching Aid and Training Content Design Category in 2023. Based in Milan, Italy, the international A’ (A-PRIME) DESIGN AWARD is one of the world’s largest and most diffused international design awards.
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